What we offer…

Whānau Ora
Whānau Ora Navigators support whānau to
be self-determining and navigate whānau to champion their aspirations.
Navigators work with whānau to:
• Support them through crisis and link them to the appropriate services
• Collaborate, broker services and advocate ensuring their needs are addressed in a holistic way
• Help develop a step-by-step plan to achieve their goals and aspirations
• Identify and strengthen support networks
• Reduce any risk of harm to whānau
• Uplift mana and create opportunities for cultural connectedness
Whānau Ora 7 Pou
• Whānau are self-managing and empowered leaders
• Whānau are leading health lifestyles
• Whānau are confidently participating in Te Ao Māori
• Whānau are participating fully in society
• Whānau are economically secure and successfully involved in wealth connection
• Whānau are cohesive, resilient and nurturing
• Whānau are responsible stewards of their living and natural environment

Kōanga Kai
• Helping whānau to develop gardens at their whare in order to build healthy and sustainable kai production practices
• Tautoko provided for establishing gardens and taking care of plants influenced by traditions and mātauranga of our tīpuna.
• Providing physical resources such as planter boxes, soil, seeds and seedlings; as well as kanohi ki te kanohi coaching; whānau are empowered to establish their own gardens.

Mentoring for Rangatahi at risk of poor outcomes, school holiday kaupapa (connecting to Te Ao Māori) and supporting schools with Kapa Haka.
As part of the Family Violence Response System. a support program with police, for violent offenders, with the aim of supporting violent offenders to find alternative ways to deal with anger.
Working with Whānau that are involved in Family Harm incidents. This is a group for men to help connect to Te Ao Māori and find positive ways to express feelings and emotions.
Whānau Ora